Organic Reishi Mushroom Powder

Size: 100g




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Reishi Mushroom Powder

This fascinating fungus has been revered in Asian societies for thousands of years and is one of the oldest symbols of well-being and longevity. The reishi mushroom has a rather bitter, woody taste which is why it is traditionally prepared in a tea or as an extract or blended into smoothies and the like.

Reishi Mushroom Benefits & Uses

  • Reishi is a medicinal mushroom with incredible adaptogenic properties. Containing a dense array of phytonutrients, it’s useful for combating inflammation, boosting immunity, and reducing stress. Add to your daily coffee, smoothie, or favourite raw treat recipes to strengthen your immunity and wellness.
  • Known as the ‘mushroom of immortality’, reishi is most notably effective for it’s immune boosting benefits and adaptogenic properties. 
  • Reishi is a large mushroom with a glossy exterior and a woody texture that grows on trees. One of the oldest mushrooms to have been used medicinally in traditional Chinese medicine, it contains chemicals that can provide various benefits to our health.

Data sheet

Botanical Name
Ganoderma lucidum
Organic Status
Certified Organic

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